English - a short version

A therapeutic session with the body in focus

Kropsterapi is more than just a massage, it is a intuitive practice for the body, mind and soul

I started Flow in you in 2017 with the mission of creating a space for you to be embraced and guided to unfold who you really are inside.

What motivates this is a history that started in 2010 (and way before that) of being in a state of constant pain moving around in my body, with the sensation of being in a glass bell jar, and feeling misplaced in the world and what hurt the most, not connecting with my baby boy. 

So I can relate to being in pursuit of the one you long to be and the YOU that might be struggling to take your place in the world of limiting expectations, beliefs and false "should haves". You deserve to know your power, to live without pain and to be free in your own skin. 

How the therapy works 

I use a combination of breathing

techniques, pulsating, deep tissue massage, acupressure, shiatsu, reflexology and

talking therapies which can help you work out how to deal with negative thoughts and feelings and make positive changes. 

Who can benefit from kropsterapi

You might be feeling distressed by difficult events in your life, be dealing with stress, anxiety or depression, inexplainable pain, feeling off or you just dont know yourself anymore....this is where I can help. 

My clients range from the new mother, the woman in her 30'ies figuring out her place in the world, babies, children with anxiety, men and women who have been pushing them selves too far for too long, older people finding calm and relief in the body - so its for everyone. 

Course of treatment

For optimal benefit of the treatment I recommend that we start with 3 scheduled sessions the first two with no more than 10 days apart. The third might be two weeks after that. This allows your body to remain in a state of continuous progress. 

I have 60, 90 and 120 min. to choose from with a nice discount if you buy 3 or 5 sessions at once. 

I look forward to meeting you! 

- Annika Srirat Bentsen 

Flow in you